What? You were a college professor? Do people like you really teach our children?
People voted for Trump despite the fact that they don't like him. What they like is his racist, misogynist views. Trump and his allies continue to divide our country into polarized sects that somehow are so numerous that they create a situation where people can hold two contradictory points of view.
MAGA? Let's deport illegal immigrants...but we need more H1Bs? Trump actually likes illegal immigrants because they don't demand overtime. He chose to use immigration as as a campaign theme because they are a voiceless and powerless adversary. Throw enough FUD around and the increasingly less educated population will bite.
Just wondering if anyone has taken a look at the labor pool at Mar-a-Lago? I'll bet he has a ton of off the books workers. ...and when the farmers that voted for him lose their crops in California and Texas because they don't have anyone to pick them we'll see how much they like him then.
Prediction: Republican meltdown in the mid-terms - AGAIN! The Republican three ring circus in Congress is admittedly entertaining but even MAGA heads are getting weary of that show.