Rob Lauer
2 min readMay 9, 2023


Ideals? Did you really believe that any of these companies have ideals? A social purpose? They exist for one reason - to make money for someone, their shareholders and the spoiled rich kids at the top of the chain. Your balloon was suddenly popped and I do feel bad for you. Mom and Dad should have told you that the world doesn't owe you anything, you are definitely not special and if you want to do something for others, do not expect a statue - do it because it's what you want to do.

The layoffs at these big tech companies is an interesting event, but not surprising. They hired way too many people eager to work for them who were just happy to join the circus without taking a good look behind the tents. When the tech companies looked around and saw the crowds diminishing they rolled up some tents. Sure they're still making money, and they could afford to continue to employ these people, but for how long? For what purpose?

They did you a favor - thank them. Now you have an experience, however stressful and unpleasant it may is what will reveal your character. Use that revelation and introspect instead of gnashing your teeth about the "inhumanity" of tech companies...and then calling for a white knight.

This one got me though:

Like other transgressions I’ve witnessed and experienced over my years as a tech worker, the current mass layoffs demonstrate why unionization and broader government oversight of the tech industry are so important.

I don't disagree that big tech companies wield too much power, but why is it that people continue to believe that the answer to problems created by government can be solved with more government? It's like someone else once said - it's the alcoholic thinking his real problem is he doesn't have enought to drink. Stop, please. The answers to all of our perceived problems are always found within ourselves. Let's not rely on a union or government to solve our problems. I thought we already learned those lessons?



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